With Occupy Wall Street protestors enjoying the fading days of the Fall, the GOP debates measuredly marching us toward the selection of a candidate who can help the country, and the ‘underwear bomber’ suggesting there is more trouble to coming to America….what can individual men do to make a positive and powerful contribution to the country these days? Actually, there is something….go to the movies.
Too often beneficial medications are misused, guns fall into the hands of bad people (or federal government officials), and technology is turned against us, but occasionally, if far too rarely, someone does the right thing. This time it is the use of Media that actually became the tool for good it could always have been.
If you haven’t seen it…you should. If you are a Father…you must. Go see ‘Courageous’.
It is also a timely word on the subject that statistics bolster as being at the root of most of America’s troubles. Whether is crime, suicide, drug abuse, or psychological disorders a failed father is part of the picture in almost all cases. Fatherhood is essential to the health of a family, a community, or a nation. Families without good fatherly leadership are ships heading for the rocks, and nearly the entire American fleet is in jeapordy.
‘Courageous’ raises a flag for us men giving us direction to the hill we must take to win our wives, our kids, our churches, and our nation. If men will be the fathers they ought to be to their children the next generation of Americans will see crime drop and less need for law enforcement, academic advances with less demand on public schools, jobs created without burdening government, thankful citizens cleaning parks, more people making a positive difference, and Wall Street greed checked by internal balances.
Is such a notion ‘pie-in-the-sky’? Maybe….but maybe not. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Go see the movie…take your family, and then muster at least as much commitment and tenacity as the Wall Street protesters and begin a new nation wide movement that is positive, beneficial, and certain to fundamentally change life in this country in the context of one generation. You can call it "Occupy Your Home".
Ps. An interesting interview with the Director of ‘Courageous’ is at this link: http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/cftoto/2011/09/29/interview-with-alex-kendrick-director-of-courageous/
All material copyrighted by Stephen Meeks