Sunday, April 10, 2011

"And God said..." (Genesis 1:11, 20)

I placed a finger to my lips. “Ssshhh” I barely uttered. Both my sons wondered why I was waving them to follow me.

We stepped on to the deck. My ‘backyard’ (which my wife still says is our ‘front yard’) is a valley placed against a forest covered mountain; a lazy little creek separates them

“Ssshhh” I softly repeated as we tip-toed into the sunshine. We stood silently for a minute. I wanted them to discover it for themselves.

“What?” was on their faces.

“Listen," I whispered. "Listen to it.”

Benjamin smiled, “A turkey?”

“Yea, but listen to ALL of it.” The mountain forest was a chorus of chirps, squawks, whistles, and calls. A wasp buzzed nearby. The wind blew cool. The sun warmed. Morning air was crisp and fresh and clean. The greening grass, budding dogwoods, flowering dandelions, and blue sky painted a masterpiece. “Isn’t is great!” I whispered.

They nodded in agreement, and wonder.

Take a moment today to tip-toe away from the noise in your world. For a moment, forget Libya, the debt crisis, your co-worker’s unkindness, and (this one will be tough) all your husband’s shortcomings. Put them aside, for two minutes, (Really, try this, would you?) and step outside. Listen to the birds. Note the budding of a tree or flowing of a plant. Look at the sky. Feel the sun. Take it all in. There is more to life than what gets stuck in our faces every day. There are masterpieces all around.

“Ssshhh”. Just step outside.

All material copyrighted by Stephen Meeks