Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Have you ever gotten a tan, run a 10k race, or lost weight? Were you successful? If so, what changed you from non-runner to racer, from overweight to thin, from pale to richly tan?

Personally, I’m not much of a tan-man. A tan looks nice, but my own legs are translucent. I’m not a runner either. In fact, the last time I entered a race was the 100 yard dash in middle school gym class. So, I am no expert on tanning or running, however, I know that tanned people do NOT get their tan by sitting at home and telling themselves, "Okay body! Here we go, Tan. Tan! Tan baby, tan for me!” Merely desiring a tan doesn't darken an inch of flesh. No one looses weight by telling their excess, "Go away fat. Go. Go. Go!!!", and a subscription to Runners’ World does not a runner make. Yet, those seem to be our go-to tactics when it comes to spiritual growth.

An example? Joe determines to control his speech and makes a personal commitment before God never to cuss again. He tells himself, "I'm not going to cuss again. I won't. I won't. I won't cuss. Go away cussing. Go. Go. Go!!" Mission accomplished he does well for a few days until along comes a hammer and smashes ole Joe’s thumb flat. Before he thinks, Joe forgets his commitment and loses control of his speech. Poor Joe. Now with throbbing thumb he again pledges—even more sincerely—not to cuss again. We admire him, but we know how it will go, don’t we?

Can you relate to Joe? Control of our tongues isn’t the only place Christians fail. We fail because we tend to apply Joe’s ineffective approach to changes across the board. It's a sick circle that discourages and defeats us. The question is “What does work?”

"D60" works. Proven personally, with churches, and discipleship groups D60 is highly practical, get's right to the point, and produces immediate and long-lasting transforming results. We all need to try something better than "Tan! Tan for me Baby! Tan!". See the book "D60" at: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/d60/15167310

This spiritual exercise manual will absolutely help strengthen flabby spiritual muscles.

A download is also available. Please, share with friends.

Blessings. Stephen