Thursday, December 31, 2009

Faithful til the End: A True GoodSoil Story

Even most non-Christians believe God hears prayer; we believe He answers them.

Central among GoodSoil's core objectives is proof that God answers prayer. We offer this recent story as another proof, in a growing line, for those who are looking (hoping) for some.

Three or four weeks ago I crawled under my truck to change the oil and filter. I had only 15 minutes of daylight, so I finished in darkness, but the truck was ready for travel to World Servants Headquarters in West Virginia the next morning. I left at 3:30 a.m. with coffee cup in hand.

164 miles from home I glanced at my gauges. The oil pressure was very low! Immediately diving into the closest exit I checked the oil level. Dry. Ugghh. Burrr, it was cold and wet and still dark. My tools were at home. The attendant said Wal-Mart was 5 miles ahead and had a garage. Two quarts of oil (which is a subtle form of robbery at those interstate stations) helped me limp to the garage. Not surprisingly, I was the first in line that morning (It was not quite 7 a.m.). The guys finished their coffee and then signed me in. 45 minutes later, one of them emerged from "surgery" carrying my oil filter. "The rubber gasket is missing on this filter. It's let all your oil blow past as you drove. The whole bottom of the truck is covered in oil. I'll put on a new one," He explained.

I agreed. They returned. I waited. They worked. Time raced. My plans for a fast-as-possible trip to and from West Virginia were posturing to become a very, very long one.

"What happened?" A gentleman, now also waiting on his vehicle, asked me. I explained in cleft-note fashion. It was early, and I really wasn't as jovial as usual. In fact, I was unusually quiet and to myself.

"Where you from?" He continued the conversation (anyway).

"Jellico, Tennessee. It's a small town near the Kentucky boarder."

"Yea. I've been past Jellico a lot. My wife and I drive that way often. What do you do there?"

I told him a little about GoodSoil. In fact, it was very little—I was still dealing with a short night and the dread of a lengthening day ahead.

The attendant waved me over to pay up. My new friend walked to the register with me, "If you can give me your ministry address, my wife and I may stop in some time on our way to Georgia."

I paid up and then scribbled my name and contact information on a scrap of paper. We shook hands and he sent me off with, "God bless your trip."

Ahh ha! I had suspected he was a Christian all along. I didn't figure we'd ever meet again.

A few days ago my phone rang, "Hi this is Martin Bell (not the real name)"…..I wracked my mind…….. "We met at the Wal-Mart.." …..Still I was at a loss…… "over near West Virginia." Bingo! I remembered.

"We're here in Jellico at your church. Is it possible we could catch you for a few minutes?"

Long story short, they drove out to the house, visited with us for about an hour and shared, "We weren't planning to come to Jellico, but for about the last 3-4 days it has really been on our mind and only a few miles from the exit Sarah (the wife, but not her true name) felt the Lord would have us stop by. So, we did, and we have a small donation." They handed me a check to GoodSoil for $400.00.

How did that happen? I certainly did not ask or intimate that GoodSoil or we had any needs. In fact, I had been only cooly cordial to Martin at the Wal-Mart. Who but God put that notion in their hearts? Who but God persistently urged them to exit into Jellico? Who but God knew our needs?

If, however, you might still think this a co-incidence, or simply a random kindness, consider this: GoodSoil Ministries has never solicited any funds, nor shared any need since its founding in 1999, and yet, over a half-million dollars has been donated to its ministries.*

Some may think it coincidence; others call it 'luck' (whatever that is); while you may have your own ideas, but I call it the actions of an attentive, gracious, prayer-answering God.

What about all those unanswered prayers or yours (AND OURS)? I don't know. God is sovereign. Some things are simply beyond us, but what's plain is understandable, and His provisions over this first decade have been more than plain—He is still involved!

More True GoodSoil Stories…..

What's more, if you'll indulge me a few more paragraphs, is that a viable church has been started in Jellico that is reaching and relating to those who were previously disconnected from Christ. It is a vibrant and real church. They are honest, raw, fresh. Anyone sick and tired of the old, cold, same-ole-same-ole; anyone hungering for REAL Christianity will find it here--I love them. Honestly-- not distracting from the many others I've been a part of-- but this is the greatest Body of Believers I've ever been a part of (not meaning most polished or sanctified, but most authentic)…..and they are increasing in number and depth of understanding.

Beyond the Jellico church, GoodSoil has held 8 missions camps and impacted the lives of several dozen of the most motivated and mature young disciples in the Body. Our Mission Camp graduates are all still young, but some are now on mission teams preparing for international mission points, others are professionals using their missions training to impact those around them; many more have served on short-term missions. We estimate that 80% of our trainees continue in missions in one form or another. Moreover, the Missions Camp youth training concept is spreading. This month members of a Christian university began discussions with us about the possible use of Mission Camp's simulated training style as an orientation-event for incoming students. I understand that the World Mission Workshop may include similar elements on its program in the coming year. Personally, I've long thought that simulated training would become a model for recruiting missionaries at younger ages. We may see it at long last in 2010.

Lastly, GoodSoil is coaching and assisting the preparation of a missionary for the region near Raja, Sudan. Zephania Kittony, of Kenya is preparing to launch a mission work in Southern Sudan-- only 50 miles from Darfur. GoodSoil had a hand in surveying this area three years ago and we have worked closely with Zephania since then. Mission Campers paid for a week of missions training for Zephania in Rwanda last summer. He is scheduled to soon retire from school teaching for the Kenya government and will be free to begin in Sudan in 2010.

The Sudan work be a very difficult work, but Zephania's zeal is high and he is capable, having established more than 6 churches in Kenya over the past 23 years. Southern Sudan has been a strategically important region for a very long time in the struggle against Islam. Even the British in the late 1800s recognized this as they fought against the Mahdi for political control of the corridor from Egypt to South Africa along the Eastern coast of the continent. Sudan remains strategic today as Islam encroaches southward from Khartoum and inland from Mombassa, Kenya; Dar Esalam, Tanzania, and Moputu, Mozambique. GoodSoil is playing a role the in strategic placement of missionaries in those regions by helping Mr. Kittony into Sudan, and having a hand in training or facilitating no less than 25 missionaries now in or planning for East Africa.

We could tell more stories of individuals who have left alcohol and cling to Christ; of those who only last week mused, "It is so much better to see money spent on Christmas gifts than drugs." ; of parents training their children in the way of the Lord; of young men leaving foolish ways and choosing wise ones; of jail floors wet from the tears of dozens of men being broken by the peaceful and marvelous Spirit of Jesus; of women clinging to their faith that Jesus' words are reliable; of quiet wars on apartment floors for the widow and orphan; of praying men faithfully gathering before the light of day to speak to God on behalf of those having rejected Him all night; of widows serving; of women loving; of men changing; of Christ transforming us all. But, for now, these will have to do.

May your New Year be the best ever!

Thanks to all who gave, who prayed, who came, who served. We love you all.

From Stephen and Donna, and for the GoodSoil Board of Directors (Mark Brazle, Stephen Greek, Mike Yates, Dwane Perry, and Kevin Bryan)

*Because our prayer-only approach (For more Google 'George Muller'.) to funding is not a method, but our ministry, we teach our trainees and interns how to appeal for funds for themselves and their ministries. The half-million dollar figure noted does NOT include the funds raised by these trainees or interns. If we did, the total funds sent by God to GSMi would be significantly greater, and no less an evidence of His answer to our (and our trainees') prayers.